Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February Update

Hi everyone!

So, life has been quite hectic lately.  But, here is a quick update for you. 

Abigail is still doing great with preschool.  Her class learns about one letter a week, and each Thursday, they are allowed to bring in a few things that begin with the letter.  She really gets into it.  She is also learning how to ski with Daddy.  She got lessons with her cousins on Martin Luther King weekend, and Joe has taken her around a few times too.  She loves it!  I love it too... especially since it tires her out and she goes to bed so easy on the days she skis!  :o)  Please do not be alarmed by the picture attached.  She looks like she has aged a few years, but in fact, she has not.  She's only 5.  5 going on 15. 

Amelia is doing great.  Still loves to dance.  I feel like that's all I say when updating you on her, but it still holds true.  She absolutely loves it!  She is my little shadow these days.  Following me and doing just as I do.  So, she spends most of her day preparing meals, serving them, and cleaning up after them.  We just signed her up for preschool for next year.  It's hard to believe that she won't be with me every day.  She still cracks me up every day with things she says.  There are words that do it... "ba-ban-a" is my favorite... and when she tells us that she learns everything "at my school".  She doesn't go to school.  Silly Amelia!!! 

Liam is doing great.  He is now in a toddler bed, which has been a success!  We leave his door shut and there are no toys in there, so there is nothing to entertain him but his blankets and stuffed dog.  That can get boring pretty fast!  He got his first shiner last week.  After story time, he likes to say "bye bye", go in his room, shut the door, and put himself to bed.  This can be quite difficult, especially when the room is pitch dark (he hates the nightlight).  One night last week, he did just that, only he ran face first into the foot board of his toddler bed.  Nice!  He only cried for a minute, but he looks real tough now!  ;o)
In November we had a chimney and hearth put in.  December brought us the wood stove.  We haven't had to pay for oil ever since!  This makes us very happy!!!  We made a pretty sweet agreement with them too.  They delivered and installed the stove for us, and we let them take pictures of the kids with the stove for their mailers.  Pretty awesome, right?  Attached is the only picture they've sent us so far.  It pretty much sums up how the day went.  Abigail owned it.  Amelia was a little bit skeptical.  Liam was a total ham.  I was just there.  :o) 

I hope this finds you all happy and healthy!  See you all soon!